Page 85
Version 2023-07-27
Fire damper - FDMQ
TPM 103/14
Dampers are delivered on pallets. As standard, the
dampers are wrapped in plastic foil for protection during
transport and must not be used for long-term storage.
Temperature changes during transport can cause
condensation of water inside the packaging and thereby
cause corrosion of materials used in the dampers (e.g.
white corrosion on zinc-coated items or mould on calcium
silicate). Therefore, it is necessary to remove the
transport packaging immediately after unloading to allow
air to circulate around the product.
The dampers must be stored in clean, dry, well ventilated
and dust-free environment out of direct sunlight. Ensure
protection against moisture and extreme temperatures
(minumum temperature +5°C). The dampers must be
protected against mechanical and accidental damage
prior to installation.
Another required packaging system should be approved
and agreed by manufacturer. Packaging material is not
returnable in case that another packaging system
(material) is required and used and it is not included into
final price of damper.
Dampers are transported by box freight vehicles without
direct weather impact, there must not occur any shocks
and ambient temperature must not exceed +50°C.
Dampers must be protected against impact when
transported and manipulated. During transportation, the
damper blade must be in the "CLOSED" position.
Dampers must be stored indoor in environment without
any aggressive vapours, gases or dust. Indoor
temperature must be in the range from -30°C to +50°C
and maximum relative humidity 95%.
Logistic terms
The manufacturer provides a warranty of 24 months from
the date of dispatch for the dampers.
In case of using a Schischek actuator, the manufacturer
provides a 12-month warranty for the actuator from the
date of shipment.
The warranty for fire dampers FDMQ, provided by the
manufacturer, is completely void if actuating, closing and
control devices are unprofessionally handled by untrained
workers or if electric components, i.e. limit switches,
actuators, communication and supply devices and
thermoelectric activation devices are dismounted.
The warranty is void if dampers are used for other
purposes, devices and working conditions than those
allowed by these technical conditions or if the dampers
are mechanically damaged during handling.
If the dampers are damaged by transport, a record must
be written down with the forwarder at reception for later