The Majestic Shower Company Limited
Two North Place, Edinburgh Way, Harlow, Essex CM20 2SL England
Tel44 (0) 8448 001 500
Fac44 (0) 1279 635 074 [email protected]
Rio Installation Guide - Surface Profiles
Cut the Horizontal seal to the width of the Door and fit it to the bottom edge of the Door with
the deflector blade facing inwards as shown.
Trim the end of the deflector blade back so that it clears the vertical Glass to Glass seal which
should run down to the top of the Underframe.
The other end of the Horizontal seal should be notched as shown to allow the
Glass to Wall seal on the handle side of the Door to run continuously from the
bottom to the top of the Door.
Fit the Glass to Wall seal, trimming off any excess length.
Vertical seal extends
down to underframe
Horizontal seal
notched at each
end to clear
vertical seal
Horizontal seal
extends to wall but
is notched to allow the
Glass to Wall seal to run
to bottom of glass Door.