Magtrol Model DSP7000 Dynamometer Controller
Chapter 9 – Calibration
6 = Io Card 2 Channel 1
7 = Io Card 2 Channel 2
6. If the hard ware is not available the unit will respond “NoT INSTALLED.” If the hardware
is available the unit will respond “zERo To A/D#.”
7. Apply +0.000 VDC and send the DSP7000 the zERoAD# command. This command makes
the DSP take a reading and save it as its offset value for that particular channel. The unit
will respond “FS To A/D#.”
8. Apply approxi2.000 VDC for hD (# = 0 or 2) or approxi10.000 VDC for
all others.
9. Send the DSP7000 the FSAD#,xx.xxx command where xx.xxx represents the voltage applied.
This command makes the DSP take a reading calculate the gain and save it as its gain value
for that particular channel.
10. The unit will respond “CAL CoMP AD#.”
on units with Firmware Revisions Y0 and later a negative calibration
can be performed for greater accuracy
11. Apply approximately -2.000 VDC for hD (# = 0 or 2) or approximately -10.000 VDC for
all others.
12. Send the DSP7000 the FSAN#,xx.xxx command where xx.xxx represents the voltage applied.
This command makes the DSP take a reading calculate the gain and save it as its gain value
for that particular channel.
13. The unit will respond “CAL CoMP AD#.”
A calibration load of about 25 ohms (at least 50 watts) is required
to calibrate the current outputs.
1. D/A offset and gain on any of the 6 analog outputs.
• TSC1 (Current and Voltage) Current from the brake connector, Voltage from the
SUPPLY1 connector
• TSC 2 (Current and Voltage) Current from the brake connector, Voltage from the
SUPPLY2 connector
• IO Card 1 Channel 1 (Commonly used as Analog Torque out)
• IO Card 1 Channel 2 (Commonly used as Analog Speed out)
• IO Card 2 Channel 1
• IO Card 2 Channel 2
2. If calibrating a Current output connect the voltmeter common bRAkE- connector (larger
of the two pins).
3. If calibrating a Voltage output connect the voltmeter common to output connector.
• TSC1 = Pin 14 of the SUPPLY1 connector
• TSC2 = Pin 14 of the SUPPLY2 connector