ORI-46.650 Jupiter Magnetostrictive Transmitters
ORI-46.650 Jupiter Magnetostrictive Transmitters
4. The upper clamp will need to be open to a large enough diam-
eter to be able to mount to the MLI as well as the probe. The
upper clamp should be positioned just above the 3/4” NPT
5. Mount the Jupiter guide pin in the lower clamp and tighten. If
necessary, use strapping tape to temporarily hold in place on the
6. Position the upper clamp to attach the unit to the MLI and
7. Discard any tape temporarily holding the Jupiter to the MLI.
1.2.4 Installation on Atlas vs. Aurora
When mounting the Jupiter model JM4 transmitter onto the
outside of an MLI, float proximity must be taken into account.
For an Orion Atlas MLI, the distance between the float and the
chamber wall is the same all around the chamber, so the trans-
mitter could be placed anywhere. However, for an Aurora MLI,
the chamber is divided into two sections: the float section and
the magnetostrictive probe/gas-bypass section (Figure 1-5a).
Because of this, the transmitter must specifically placed as close
to the float section as possible, to ensure proper signal strength.
1.2.5 Insulation
For personnel and equipment protection, high-temperature insu-
lation is available with JM4 transmitters. Insulation pads provide
protection for the transmitter only, whereas insulation blankets
cover the entire chamber, which can help protect personnel from
elevated temperatures.
To install a JM4 with an insulation pad, first secure pad to the
chamber, then secure the transmitter over the pad (Figure 1-6a).
To install a JM4 with an insulation blanket, secure the blanket
over the chamber, then be sure to place the transmitter in the
smaller of the two grooves, leaving the larger groove for visual
indication (Figure 1-6b).
1.2.7 Vibration Kit
For applications in which vibration is an issue, the Jupiter model
JM4 is available with a vibration absorption kit.
Fig. 1-5a. Aurora Cross-section
Fig. 1-5b. Atlas Cross-section
Fig. 1-6a. Insulation Pad
Fig. 1-6b. Insulation Blanket
1.3.2 Float Installation
Use caution when handling probes to ensure probe is not bent
during installation. A bend in the probe may prevent float from
traveling freely up and down the probe.
1. Verify float will pass through vessel opening, if not, it will be
necessary to attach the float after the probe is installed.
2. Carefully insert probe into vessel and thread or bolt to the mat-
ing connection as appropriate.
3. The float is held on the probe by a C-clip inserted into a groove
machined into the tip of the probe. The float is attached or re-
moved by removing and reinserting the C-clip. To ensure proper
float orientation, the float is marked “UP”.
NOTE: When placing floats on probe, make sure the side marked
“UP” is facing up. If there are two floats, make sure the total
level float (the lighter float) is on top, and the interface float
(the heavier float) is on the bottom.
Mounting for Direct Insertion
1.3.1 Available Configurations
The direct insertion version of the JM4 transmitter has several
available configurations as well. As with external-mount, direc-
tion insertion JM4 is available with one or two floats. JM4 can
be installed in external chambers or into the main vessel. It is
also available with a centering disc and/or stilling well to keep
the probe in position.
Fig. 1-7a. Direct Insertion, Two
Fig. 1-7b. Direct Insertion, One