Remote Control Touch / blue PiraT Re-
User Guide
Seite 27 von 82
Action: [set digital output] => Channel: DigitalOut #2 => Set to 0 (low)
Figure 5.15: Resetting DigitalOut #2 to 0
Analog #1
only measures the internal voltage, the event occurs as soon as the logger
starts up and the voltage rises above 10 V (Al1 > 10). The triggers are only processed after a
certain boot time of the logger, so that the signal at KL 15 is enough to wake up the Remote
Control Touch before it is set to 0 again via the trigger, so that the devices are not kept perma-
nently awake.
Attention: The sampling rate of the analog input must be set to 1000 ms or higher, other-
wise the permanent queries via the trigger will cause a heavy load on the system!
Configuration => Analog input => General settings
Figure 5.16: Sampling interval of Analog input #1
This workaround solution with the trigger is no longer necessary from firmware version