(with exception of coordinates) before saving it. Select
and push Enter
to save the waypoint, which can then be viewed, edited and added to a
route like any other waypoint.
See Waypoint Menu.
Create a Route by Saving a Series of Waypoints
Move the cursor to pinpoint on the chart the first waypoint in your route
and push Enter. Select Route in the displayed window and push Enter.
The cursor’s position is automatically saved as the first waypoint in your
route. The default name of the waypoint is RWPT####. Push Enter to
display the Plotter screen. Move the cursor to pinpoint on the chart the
second waypoint for your route and push Enter. The cursor’s position is
automatically saved as the second waypoint for your route.
Repeat this process until you have entered all the waypoints for your
route then select
on the route sheet and push Enter to save it.
This route can be activated, edited or deleted as any other route.
See Route and Track Menu
You can view the data for each waypoint in the route but you
cannot edit or delete the waypoint. It is not possible to edit or
delete a waypoint that is used in a route.
Display Information
Move the cursor to pinpoint an object displayed on the chart (waypoint,
point of interest, navaid) and push Enter. Select Information in the
displayed window and push Enter. The list of all the objects you can get
information on is displayed. This is the list of all the waypoints, points of
interest and navaids close to the cursor position. Select one of the object
from the list and push Enter to view the information.
Leaving the Cursor Mode
Push the 2 button again to leave the cursor mode and center the screen
on the vessel’s position.
Deactivating the Chart Display
You can deactivate the chart display and change to simple track mode.
See Chart Menu