Waypoint information
This message is used to transmit waypoint information from and to your GPS unit.
The first field consists of two digits representing the degrees of Latitude,
with a leading zero if necessary, followed by two digits representing the
minutes of Latitude, with a leading zero if necessary, followed by
fractional minutes. For example, a latitude of 38
15’ 30” would be
encoded as 3815.5. The next field consists of either the letter “N” or “S” to
indicate North or South Latitude. The next field consists of the Longitude
formatted like the Latitude, but with 3 digits to represent the degrees of
Longitude. For example, a Longitude of 118
5’ 15” would be encoded as
11805.25. This field is followed by an “E” or “W” to indicate East or West
Longitude. The next field is the Altitude, followed by its units (“F” for feet,
“M” for meters). Three text fields follow the position, the first is the name
of the waypoint, the next is a message or comment for this way point, and
the last is an Icon identifier. A blank icon field indicates a default icon. The
final data field is a waypoint type indicator which is used in some GPS
*hh is the sentence checksum.
oute information
This message is used to transmit route information from and to your GPS unit.
message consists of two groups of fields. The first set of fields consists of
header information and includes the Magellan Proprietary Message
Identifier, followed by the number of messages that make up this route,
the individual Id number for this message, the letter “c”, the route number,
and the Route Name. If the Magellan unit does not support route names
that field will be ignored. If a route is sent to a unit without a route number
the first free slot will be used. For those Magellan Units that accept a
message attached to the route, a lower case “m” is used to indicate that
this is a message. The remaining fields are the names, in order, of the
waypoints that make up the route
The character fields consist of a waypoint name followed by Icon
information in lower case. The Icon information applies to the waypoint
name immediately to it’s left. If no waypoint Icon information is being
transmitted, then the icon field should be left empty. The character fields
are a list of waypoint names, and icons, in route order up to the maximum
message length
*hh is the sentence checksum
Example: Information regarding Route FOO made of three waypoints and with a
message attached is transmitted using the 2 following messages.