Pagina 33 di 93 Codice doc. 1080622209
Versione: 2022_02_21
Salvo modifiche tecniche
Level 2 / Technician’s Loop:
1) Current power in kW
2) Current flow in m³/h
3) Inlet flow temperature
in °C
4) Outlet flow
temperature in °C
5) Temperature
difference in K.
(Cooling energy: Value is
displayed negative.)
6) Before start of
days since manufacture
After start of operation:
days since manufacture
alternating with
days of operation after
reaching an energy value
> 10 kWh
7) M-bus address
8) Serial number
9) Firmware version
10) Type of Pt
11) Pulse value
Level 3 / Statistics Loop:
1) – 30) Semimonthly
date alternating with
heat energy,
cooling energy,
value tariff register 1,
value tariff register 2.
(If the calculator has 3
pulse inputs, their values
Level 4 / Maximum Values Loop:
1) Maximum power
alternating with date
and time
2) Maximum flow
alternating with date
and time
3) Maximum inlet flow
alternating with date
and time
4) Maximum outlet flow
alternating with date
and time