Macurco MRS-485 Modbus RS-485 Adapter
REV – 1.0
P a g e
When the detector connected goes into calibration overdue, then the corresponding bit of Modbus register or
corresponding object is set. Please refer to product manual to check if detector supports this feature and refer
to the manual for detail on Calibration Overdue.
e. BRS485 Status
When the BRS-485 status is not zero, then it will set this object. Following are possible reasons for non-zero BRS-
485 status.
- When calibration data cannot be loaded. This is related to factory operation and should not occur in the field.
- When incompatible/unknown detector is connected to BRS-485.
f. Warm up
This is set during the first 60 seconds after power is applied to BRS-485. Since objects are not exposed until
successful registration by BRS-485, this object might not appear for the first 30 seconds of power up.
g. Over Range
This is set when there is over range signal on the current loop.
h. Trouble
This is set when there is trouble signal (24mA) on the current loop. This is also set when No Signal or Calibration
overdue is set.
i. Cal Error
This is set when the calibration data cannot be loaded and BRS-485 is not calibrated. This is related to factory
operation and should be 0 when used in the field. Do not use BRS-485 if this object is set.