Configuring Contribute
Folder/File Access
limits a role’s access to the selected folder (or folders) and any subfolders they
contain. For more information, see “Setting folder and file access settings” in Macromedia
Contribute Help.
lets you specify what content users can modify and determine how Contribute processes
paragraphs, line spacing, and accessibility options. For more information, see “Setting page-
editing and paragraph settings” in Macromedia Contribute Help.
Styles and Fonts
specifies which font sets users have access to, and which users can apply style
and formatting to text. For more information, see “Setting style and font settings” in Macromedia
Contribute Help.
New Pages
specifies whether Contribute users can create new, blank pages, and which (if any)
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX templates they can use to create new pages. You can also specify
which pages, if any, the user can copy. The options in this category determine what options users
see in the New Page dialog box. For more information, see “Settings for new web pages” in
Macromedia Contribute Help.
New Images
lets you specify a maximum file size, width, and height for images. You can also
restrict users so that they can use images only from a shared asset library that you create, or you
can allow them to add any image to a web page. For more information, see “Setting options for
new images” in Macromedia Contribute Help.
File Placement
lets you specify folder locations for files based on the file extension used to
identify the file type. You can also specify that Contribute not allow files of a certain size to be
uploaded to the web server. For more information, see “Setting options for file placement” in
Macromedia Contribute Help.
Shared Assets
lets you create a library of assets (such as images, Macromedia Flash content, or
Macromedia Dreamweaver library items) that users can add to web pages. You can restrict access
to shared assets to specific users or let any Contribute user accessing the website add the assets to
their pages. For more information, see “Setting options for shared assets” in Macromedia
Contribute Help.
Example role assignments
As an example of roles you might create, consider an online magazine. The job functions
associated with producing a magazine include a publisher, managing editor, copy editor, writer,
and web designer. In addition, Contribute adds an administrator to maintain the magazine’s
website. Each role reflects separate access to article creation, approval, editing and deletion, page
design, and site maintenance.