Instead of using the
IP address, you can
also use the h
name. As an
example, you can
type \\STORAGE
into the addres
field or if you have
modified it, also
your new host
When you have
access multiple
folders with dif
passwords or have
modified the
settings without a
computer restart, go
to Tools and
disconnect the
temporary network
drives first before
5 Network Storage
To access the data on the LAN disk via the network connection,
you may use either FTP or SMB. Before you can access the
5.1 File Access on a PC
5.1.1 Windows Explorer
Use Windows Explorer and type \\ followed by the IP address
or \\STORAGE into the address field and press the Enter key
on your keyboard. It will then list all available folders on your
LAN disk.
accessing a new
shared folders, you will have to set up your shares and FTP
accounts. See chapter 4 for more details about the setup.
You can copy files to the network storage as if it were a folder
on your local drive. Depending on the bandwidth, you can also
open and directly play the files, although we recommend
always transferring the data to your local drive first.
Note: To create a permanent link to your network drive, see
Mapping a Network Drive.
Page 25 / Chapter 5 - Network Storage