Rev B
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8 . 5
Lift Motor
This section will cover the details of how to remove, refit and replace the Lift Motor.
Remove the side covers from the portable lift. (Refer to section 8.1)
Disconnect the power lead from the PCB.
Disconnect the motor leads from the PCB. (See section 8.4 for further information)
Remove the cable routing of lift motor B from under the PCB. (PCB removal is recommended)
Using a 5mm Allen Key, remove the two bolts securing the motor to the chassis.
Remove the motor from the chassis, be careful not to damage the gear shaft during removal.
Repeat step 5 and 6 to remove the opposite motor.
Refitting / Replacement
Refitting is a reversal of the removal process noting the following points:
Ensure that the motor aligns with the tapped holes on the motor mount.
Ensure that Motor A and B are attached to the correct face. Use the PCB for reference.
Ensure to route the Motor B cable under the PCB.
Ensure that the motor cables are connected to the correct port on the PCB.