Figure 5 – Jog Selector
To jog continuously rather than incrementally, turn the Jog Selector over into the Continuous Jog section. The machine
can jog at the full jog rate (100%) or slow it down to 2%.
The Feedrate Selector can adjust the feed rate override from 0% all the way to 130%. It can be used to slow the
machine while running a program. Also, in step jog mode the speed of the axis is regulated by the feed rate Selector.
Figure 6 - Feedrate Selector
The green button is a cycle start button which starts a file and the small red button is a feed hold which pauses the file.
Figure 7 - Cycle Start and Feed Hold Buttons
The red E-Stop button stops the whole system and prevents any movement.
2.2 Pendant (X15-20-01, Optional)
The pendant is mounted on the right side of the control near the operator panel. See Figure 8 below.
Figure 8 - Pendent
To use the pendant switch the Axis Selector (3) to the desired axis. The pendant will not work if the Axis Selector is in