This manual contains unloading, assembly, and predelivery information for the MacDon M1170 Windrower, which
when coupled with one of MacDon
s A40DX, R1 SP Series, D1X Series, or D1XL Series Headers provides a
package designed to cut and lay a variety of grain, hay, and specialty crops in windrows.
The M1170 Windrower is Dual Direction
, meaning that the windrower can be driven in the cab-forward or the
engine-forward mode. Right and left designations are determined by the operator
s position facing the direction of
travel. This manual uses the terms right cab-forward, left cab-forward, right engine-forward, and left engine-forward
when referencing specific locations on the machine.
The ignition keys were shipped with the shipping documents and are used to lock the cab doors and tool box
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Revision A