MA Lighting Technology GmbH . Dachdeckerstr. 16 . D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn . Fax: + 49 9 31 4 97 94 29 .
4.2 Playback memories
Memories can be recalled by their respective buttons any time. All channels,
which had been selected in the store matrix, will be set to a new value.
Therefore standard memories with completely selected store matrix will recall
one well defined picture on stage. The LED in the last recalled memory lites
4.2.1 Playback with programmed x-fade time and trigpoint
For any feature which was set to x-fade mode (small ramp in the store matrix),
the output will not switch to the new value but will change slowly with the
programmed fade time.
The output of the trigger features will switch as quickly as possible to their new
value. The time of switching is set by the trigpoint.
Preprogrammed fade
Standard Memories
4.2.3 Playback with manual x-fade
FADE MODE switched to MAN FADE
As soon as the fader is moved to one of the end
positions (LED on), a memory can be loaded for
manual crossfade.
Moving the fader will crossfade the values between
the start position and the new memory.
MEMORY button during running fade
FADE LED flashes and the memory will be recalled
with its stored fade time.
Manual cross fades
4.2.2 Playback with new x-fade time
FADE MODE switched to SET TIME
X-Fader in the playback section
The x-fader will now overwrite the programmed fade
Switching features will adapt their trigpoint according
the new fade time.
Overwriting the pro-
grammed fade time
Memory button
Recalls the memory with the adjusted fade time.