eMail: [email protected] . Tel.: + 49 9 31 49 79 40 . User's Manual Scancommander
The SAMPLE function enables the recall of up to nine presets even for different
features simultaneously. The SAMPLE preset commands can be created in
advance and are listed in the display, as soon as the SAMPLE button is
SAMPLE - keep button pressed
As long as the sample button is pressed, the SCAN-
COMMANDER works in the SAMPLE mode.
- the display shows a insert window with up to nine
preset recalls.
- Preset commands will not be executed but listed in
the Display
- The GO+ button of the sequence will not recall the
next step of the sequence, but will recall the sampled
preset recalls.
SAMPLE function
SAMPLE display
SAMPLE button and simultaneously
any Preset button in direct access
The Preset are not executed, but are listed in the
SAMPLE list together with the actual scan selection
and the actual x-fade time.
SAMPLE button and simultaneously
GO + button of the sequence section
The listed preset recalls get executed. The list will
not be cleared and can be recalled again later on.
Any new preset command, which is sampled in the list, may overwrite and
therefore automatically clear a former command. (For example if a new
command sets a gobo for all scans, any former gobo commands in the sample
list are cleared.)
SAMPLE button and simultaneously
CLEAR button in the feature section
The SAMPLE list will be cleared.