MA Lighting Technology GmbH . Dachdeckerstr. 16 . D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn . Fax: + 49 9 31 4 97 94 29 . www.malighting.de
4.Preset values for colors, gobos and shutter
Initializing the Intellabeam in the Scancommanders Setup menu by "INIT:SCANS+NAMES+VALUES" will
load the names and values of all colors, gobos and some dimmer and shutter settings.
Using the Extended DMX mode, the motor speed, channel 12 of the Intellabeam DMX protocol, is controlled
via the FOCUS-ZOOM button at the Scancommander. Using the Scancommander it is recommended to keep
this value at "00", as fades can be controlled via the Scancommanders fade features.
5. Slow color or gobo changes on the 13 channel mode
To get slow changes of colors or gobos
- set WHEEL 2 of color or gobo to a value about 20 (little before the gobo or color scan function starts)
- set the speed via SPEED 1 to any value above "10"
- recall colors or gobos at the Scancommander without fade, rsp. store the memory with color and gobo set
to "TRIG" instead of "FADE" (=remove ramp on the store matrix)
This procedure will give the slow changes on color or gobo, but will also influence the movement speed.
6. Homing function
When using the Extended DMX mode, the homing function can be addressed via the SPECIAL function in the
SPEED menu of the Scancommander.
Homing the lamp is done by setting the SPECIAL channel to 50% for at least 3 seconds.
- Press SPECIAL at the feature selection area.
- Select one or more scans via the SCAN SELECTION buttons
- Set the values to "00" via the Encoder wheel
- Set the values to "50" via the Encoder wheel.
(If the display is set to hexadecimal showing...,09,0A,0B..,the 50% value corresponds to 7F)
After 3 seconds the scans should start their homing procedure.