If you experience any odd behavior on your 001 (see Troubleshooting section), you can reboot
the machine with this command: if the rest of the front panel stops responding, you should
still be able to trigger the reboot by using screen controls.
If the software reboot fails, the LCD screen will say so and suggest a hardware reboot: in this
case please make sure to leave the unit off for at least 60 seconds before powering it back up.
If you experience any odd behavior on your 001 (see Troubleshooting section), you can reset
parts of the operating system with the 3 options in this page.
1. Network:
this option resets all Network settings and it is very useful anytime you connect
the 008 to a different router or in a different network configuration
2. Preferences:
this option resets all the Setting preferences to the original factory values
3. Factory:
this option triggers a complete factory reset: in detail, it resets all 001 settings,
including the above Network and Preferences, as well as restoring the original factory
sound banks. Please be careful when applying this, as you will lose all your saved patches
that are in the factory banks.