Mod Wheel
On 001 you can use a Joystick axis as a Mod Wheel. Please refer to the ‘Joystick’ page to see
details on how to assign different destinations to a Joystick axis. You can also receive external
Mod Wheel messages from MIDI In as CC 1.
Both internal and external Mod Wheel messages can be used to modulate 8 different
destinations, as per LFO1, LFO2 etc. (please refer to the ‘Modulation’ page in chapter 3)
To access the Mod Wheel modulation page first navigate to the Parameters page (menu
button C), select Modulation (option 10) and then select the option ModW.
Please note that assigning Mod Wheel as a Joystick axis allows you to control multiple
parameters with a single Joystick axis.