1. Octave:
this parameter controls the octave shift of the keyboard, allowing you to
transpose the whole keyboard by up to 2 octaves up or down
2. Glide:
this parameter controls the speed with which the oscillators change their pitch,
‘sliding’ from one note to the next one pressed:
a large value will mean the ‘glide’ takes longer to reach the new note
a shorter value will result in a quicker ‘slide’
3. Transpose:
This allows you to transpose the Keyboard, Sequencer and Arpeggiator. To
use the function simply hold down the transpose button whilst pressing a key on the
keyboard. A ‘Zero’ transpose is obtained by pressing the third C from the bottom of the
4. Key Mode:
Select between Polyphonic, Monophonic and Stack
Available via the screen controls only:
5. Size:
(available for both Unison and Stack modes): this parameter controls how many
voices the synth is using for a single note
6. Spread:
this parameter controls the amount of frequency detuning between the currently
used voices (note that this is different from oscillators Detune parameter, which is the
amount of frequency detuning between the 2 OSCs in the same voice)
The Modal 001 joystick features 4 individual axes and each one of them is individually
assignable. By default:
the 2 horizontal axes (X-, X+) control the pitch of the oscillators (range of -+ 1 semitone);
the down (Y-) axis controls the filter cutoff (half range from current value to max);
the up (Y+) axis controls the amount of LFO1 modulation, depending on the currently
active destinations (half range from current value to max).
The joystick assign pages are accessible via the screen controls on the modulation page within
the parameters page menu (press 3rd ‘menu button’ (C), then type ‘10’ with the keypad).
There are 3 controls per axis that allow the joystick to be configured:
1. Depth:
this parameter controls the depth of modulation to the selected parameter. A full
depth of +60 would increase the selected parameter’s value to its maximum available, a
half depth of +30 would increase it to halfway towards its maximum value etc.
For pitch bend to go up in semitones you can set the depth in multiples of 5, where a
depth of 60 would be equal to the maximum range of 12 semitones.
2. Status:
this parameter controls if the joystick axis is active or not.
3. Destination:
this parameter allows you to choose what control to assign to the joystick
axis. A full list of joysitck destinations is shown on the Midi Implementation Chart at the
end of this document.