Attempting to save the default Sanitize configuration (option
) using subcommand selection
00b will result in an aborted command and no changes will be made.
When the Master Command specifies only 1 or 2 subcommands, parameters for the remaining
subcommands are reserved and should be set to 0 for compatibility with future versions.
For the default Sanitize procedure, all other bits in the Master Command and parameters 1-3 are
reserved and should be set to 0 for compatibility with future versions.
Bits 0-1, 2-3, and 4-5 of the Master Command contain the following subcommands:
Value of 0: Erase and fill with given character. The character is provided in the
corresponding parameter.
Value of 1: Erase and fill with random data, several times. The number of erase/fill loops is
provided in the corresponding parameter. Zero number of loops means erase once and do not
fill. Only the 7 least significant bits in the parameter are used to specify the number of loops.
The most significant bit is reserved for future extensions.
Value of 2 or 3: These subcommands are reserved for future extensions.
Parameter1 corresponds to the subcommand in bits 0-1.
Parameter2 corresponds to the subcommand in bits 2-3.
Parameter3 corresponds to the subcommand in bits 4-5.
The Partition Mask is either a bitmap of partitions to be sanitized or value 0. In bitmap
mode, least-significant bit 1 corresponds to partition 0. Value of zero is a special value; it
corresponds to sanitizing the whole media regardless of partition configuration.
For example:
Value of 0xF (or 1111 binary) corresponds to sanitizing of all 4 partitions
Value of 0x8 (or 1000 binary) corresponds to sanitizing partition number 3
Value of 0x1 (or 0001 binary) corresponds to sanitizing partition number 0
Value of 0x5 (or 0101 binary) corresponds to sanitizing partitions 0 and 2
Value of 0 (or 0000 binary) corresponds to sanitizing the whole media
Table 25: Sanitize Procedure Options
Parameter1 Parameter2 Parameter3
Execute the default Sanitize procedure. 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
Erase the media (Security Erase).
0x41 0x00 0x00 0x00
Erase the media and overwrite with random
0x41 0x01 0x00 0x00
USA Navy NAVSO P-5239-26
Erase the media and overwrite with random
data, then erase again.
0x85 0x01 0x00 0x00
Product Specification and User Manual FFD 3.5" Ultra320 SCSI
43-PS-0305-00 Rev. 2.0