8.1.3. Resume
If the power is interrupted while Security Erase is in process, part of the media may remain
intact. The FFD provides a Resume option that restarts Security Erase on the next power up. The
Resume option persists until the security erase is complete.
The Resume option is user configurable. This feature default is ON.
8.1.4. Fill-Format
The Fill-Format option automatically writes the erased media. This process can replace the low-
level format process, and is strongly recommended after the Partial Security Erase because it is
the only way to perform a partial low-level format of the media. The Fill-Format option should
not replace the low-level format process if a quick-sanitizing process is used.
Erasing the media without either the fill-format option or low-level formatting will result in a
longer mount time.
8.1.5. Configuration Configurable
The following parameters can be configured:
Disable/Enable Resume Security Erase: If this flag is disabled and power is interrupted
while Security Erase is in progress, the FFD will not restart Security Erase on the next
power up. This flag is enabled by default.
Disable/Enable Partial Security Erase: If this flag is enabled, Partial Secure Erase is
activated and only the designated partitions are erased during the Security Erase process. If
this flag is disabled (default) all media is erased. When activating Security Erase via the
SCSI vendor-specific command, the user may override this flag.
Fill-Format Media: Select if and how to fill-format the erased media after Security Erase. If
the Fill-Format option is OFF, the user must low-level format the FFD after Security Erase.
The fill options are as follows:
Fill = 1: No fill (default)
Fill = 2: Fill with zeros
Fill = 3: Fill with random pattern
Partition configuration: Up to eight partitions may be set. Each partition contains the
following information:
<Partition number (0-7) > <Partition on/off (0/1)> <Start Sector>
<End Sector>
Product Specification and User Manual FFD 3.5" Ultra320 SCSI
43-PS-0305-00 Rev. 2.0