MSP40 / MSP50
5-2-55, Minamitsumori, Nishinari-ku, Osaka 557-0063 JAPAN
Phone: +81(6)6659-8201 Fax: +81(6)6659-8510 E-mail: [email protected]
EM-4883 P. 10 / 18
2: Upper seal spring
(MSP50 only)
1) The output stem goes up until the valve contacts the seat surface.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve reaches the upper-end before it contacts the seat surface.)
2) The stem goes down until the valve contacts the seat surface or reaches the lower-end.
3) The stem goes up to the position reached in step 1).
4) The stem further compresses the seal spring upward from the seated position by the set amount.
If no error occurs, the positions reached in step 2) and step 4) are saved as the lower-stop posi-
tion and the upper-stop position, respectively.
5) The stem moves to the 50% position between the lower-stop and upper-stop positions, then stops
to end Auto-setup.
3: Upper seal spring
Stroke specified
(MSP50 only)
1) The output stem goes up until the valve contacts the seat surface.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve reaches the upper-end before it contacts the seat surface.)
2) The stem goes down toward the lower-end side by the specified stroke length.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve contacts the seat surface before reaching the specified
stroke length.)
3) The stem goes up to the position reached in step 1).
4) The stem further compresses the seal spring upward from the seated position by the set amount.
If no error occurs, the positions reached in step 2) and step 4) are saved as the lower-stop posi-
tion and the upper-stop position, respectively.
5) The stem moves to the 50% position between the lower-stop and upper-stop positions, then stops
to end Auto-setup.
4: Lower & Upper seal
(MSP50 only)
1) The output stem goes down until the valve contacts the seat surface.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve reaches the lower-end before it contacts the seat surface.)
2) The output stem goes up until the valve contacts the seat surface.
(Auto-setup is interrupted if the valve reaches the upper-end before it contacts the seat surface.)
3) The stem further compresses the seal spring upward from the seated position by the set amount.
4) The stem goes up to the position reached in step 1).
5) The stem further compresses the seal spring downward from the seated position by the set
If no error occurs, the positions reached in step 3) and step 5) are saved as the upper-stop posi-
tion and the lower-stop position, respectively.
6) The stem moves to the 50% position between the upper-stop and lower-stop positions, then stops
to end Auto-setup.
The stop position determined by Auto-setup can be fine-adjusted further toward the lower-end or upper-end side considering
valve leakage using Manual operation buttons.
1) Turn SW1-8 from OFF to ON to switch to Manual operation mode.
Manual operation buttons are enabled to fine-adjust the position of the output stem.
(If SW1-8 is kept OFF, control by input signal or Modbus takes priority over Manual operation.)
2) Turn SW1-4 ON or OFF depending on which method to adopt.
Movement of the output stem by Manual operation buttons differs as shown in the table below.
Note) In Manual Operation mode, an alarm will not be triggered when the output stem is locked.
Thus, perform button operation carefully while watching the scale markings (1-mm intervals), and DO NOT move the
output stem to an extent that compresses the seal spring by more than 1 mm.
Basically, it is safe to move the output to the upper/lower end.