LX Zeus v 3.4.3
- 90 -
Installation of second seat units
The second seat unit shares the same logic as the master, so no difference with mechanical installation
Electrical installation
The second sea
t unit doesn’t need external power, as it is powered via the system bus (CAN). For CAN
connection two 8P connectors are provided on master and also on repeater. The interconnection of both
units is extremely simple and easy, all what is necessary is to insert CAN marked cable in one of two CAN
marked plugs. The same is valid for first and for second seat. Second seat unit comes with two red wires,
which are terminated with a toggle switch. It is recommended to install the switch somewhere in the rear
panel, as this will make possible to switch off second seat unit during single pilot operation.
Never remove CAN
terminator which occupies
one CAN plug of the
second seat unit.
Interfaces which interact with the second seat, should also be connected to second seat 485
Remote control
Vario indicators
Compass module, Voice module should be connected only to first seat and of course they will
also work on the second seat!