LX Zeus v 3.4.3
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Commercially available versions:
LX Zeus IGC:
package consists of LX Zeus Computer, Colibri II high level approved flight recorder
with ENL, OAT sensor, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and USB D
LX Zeus Flarm:
LX Zeus Computer, Flarm which is not IGC (optionally can be IGC), Flarm dipole
antenna, SD card for Flarm, Flarm cable to Zeus, Flarm SD cable to Zeus, Flarm GPS antenna,
OAT sensor, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and USB D cables
LX Zeus Flarm IGC:
LX Zeus Computer, Flarm which is not IGC (optionally can be IGC), Flarm
dipole antenna, SD card for Flarm, Flarm cable to Zeus, Flarm SD cable to Zeus, Flarm GPS
antenna, Colibri II high level approved flight recorder with ENL, OAT sensor, USB key, main power
cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and USB D cables
LX Zeus:
LX Zeus Computer, USB key, main power cable with switch, USB D 60 vario unit and
USB D cables
Rotary switches and push buttons
There are
8 push
buttons and
two rotary
switches on the
front of the unit. Also the rotary switches have a double
push function (short and long press). On one side there
are five push buttons which all have a double push
function (short and long press) and on the other side there
are three push buttons with one push function. Buttons
are labelled and this makes unit manipulation very easy.
(Zeus 2.8 has a 4x4 push button organization.)
Both rotary switches are multifunctional as follows:
Default functions:
audio volume adjustment function
zoom selector
In edit:
zoom: scrolling and press confirmation
volume: bigger steps of scrolling and escape/cancel by pressing
USB and SD port
An A-size USB port is situated on the front panel. The port is exclusively used for data transfer and firmware
updates. The customer can also easily update the firmware. The SD port is only used when a Flarm is
connected (Flarm Red Box, Swiss Flarm and optionally Flarm Mini Box). The SD port makes direct
communication with Flarm possible, which means downloading of flights stored in Flarm, uploading of
declaration and also Flarm updating.
On the back side of the unit there are following connectors:
4x 485 system bus (Zeus 2.8 has 2x 485)*
2x CAN bus**
Colibri II port (5V and data)***
Flarm port (12 V power and data)****
2x Flarm display outputs
1x Flarm SD
1x OAT plug to connect OAT sensor
Zeus 5.5/7.0 with AHRS:
1x Pst connector
1x Ptot connector
1x USB (not in use)
* 485 connects LX Zeus to: