LX Zeus v 3.4.3
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command will be sent to Colibri II immediately after EVENT command will be executed on Zeus.
Event command can be used also from a second seat unit.
8 LX Zeus and Flarm
Flarm should be connected to FLARM marked plug of the LX Zeus. Flarm will also receive power via that
plug. If Flarm is also connected to the aircraft power network via its own power input wires, a short break
circuit problem does not occur due to a built in diode. This separates both power supplies. Up to two Flarm
external displays can be connected to the plugs marked as Flarm external display. SD card slot on LX Zeus
front is directly connected to Flarm SD interface (valid for RB), without Zeus interaction.
The SD card may be used for:
Flarm firmware update (Red box or Mini box)
Downloading of flights stored in Flarm (Red box or
Mini box)
On the backside of LX Zeus there is enough space to
install LX Red box as an integral part of the system. All
connections are plug and play. Non-integral solutions can
of course also be used.
Original Flarm (Swiss) can be also used. Zeus will show objects from Flarm on its display and will also
provide power for Flarm. Declaration will be also sent from Zeus to Original Flarm. SD card slot cannot be
used for Original Flarms.
Flarm external displays
LX Zeus HW makes it possible to connect up to two Flarm external displays. Both plugs are controlled from
Flarm directly without any Zeus influence. The Zeus system also provides 3V power for Flarm displays.
Any change
on task, doesn’t matter USER or IMPORTED will immediately update Colibri II task. As
long as on ground, the
new data
will be written also into declaration of Colibri II flight recorder. The
same will happen with the pilot. After take-off the task update will also work, but the declaration in the
flight recorder will remain unchanged (IGC rule).
GPS signal priority
If there are both units (Colibri II and Flarm) connected to Zeus, Zeus will take a better GPS signal
Password 46486:
Password 46486 will also delete all flights from Colibri II
In case of REDBOX, there must be only 1 SD card inserted at once; either in Zeus SD card reader or
in Redbox unit, but not in both at once