LX Zeus v 3.4.3
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Go to task
Select Transfer file from USB
This is valid only for TASKs made on Zeus, tasks done on Seeyou or Strepla have to be uploaded
at TP (TP/Task file).
Transfer of Airspace files
Use Airspace option of Transfer menu. The files should be
format. The actual airspace data are available for
free on www.lxnavigation.com. The airspace files normally
cover the whole continent.
At the same time,
3 airspace
sections can be active.
Loading of airspace files created for events is also
Airspace character length can be maximum 11 characters
Transfer of Flarm net files
Files with extension
include Flarm customized IDs.
That makes it possible to identify gliders in the vicinity with
their original IDs (usual competition numbers). The file is
available on http://www.flarmnet.org
Transfer Charts
ICAO charts can also be used on the Zeus. The ICAO
charts should be ordered and purchased from LX
Navigation. The file for the charts has to be .ras format.
Charts will be activated after importing a license file, which
you will receive from LX Navigation after payment. The
license file should be transferred via the USB stick. At row:
view installed charts you will see if your file is licensed.
ICAO charts are made by the Deutsche Flugsicherung.
This is the reason that charts have are not free.
Transfer Checklist
Checklist file can be done on personal computer. File must be written in notepad (.txt format). File can be
uploaded into LX Zeus system under this menu.
Logbook transfer
Flight file can be transferred from Logbook under Statistics or from this menu.
Translation files transfer
File can be translated via special software from LX Navigation (ask for it). Once a file is completed it can
be transferred into LX Zeus in this menu.