Selector voltage and fuse
• Check the setting on the voltage selector located on the bottom of the power
box. If it doesn’t match with the input voltage, slide it to the proper position
with screwdriver (R).
• Open the fuse holder with screw driver (P) and take out the fuse, check and
ensure that its rated value iscorresponding to the mains voltage:
110 Volt.....................1A
220 Volt..................... 0.5 A
It has been set to the 220 v 0,5 A before leaving our factory.
Important Matters
Set the input voltage and frequency of the instrument according to that of the mains.
Assembling the worktable ( E )
To attach the worktable on the motorizedinstrument table, please screw off
four M8x20mm bolts with spring washers with the spanner (S).
Lift the worktable to aim its screw hole at the assembly hole of the instrument
• Put down the worktable, with the power panel facing the user, refasten the
bolt securely with the spanner.