| 357 South 670 West | Suite 160 | Lindon, UT 84042 | p: 801-822-5450 | f: 801-822-5460
User Guide
5.3.4 Statistics
Displays the amount of data in bytes and frames that have been re-
ceived/transmitted by all ports currently in operation, as well as the number of
error frames received/transmitted by all ports in operation.
Clears all current port statistics data.
Manually refreshes the current port statistics data. (Note: The page
does not refresh dynamically)
5.4 Mirror
Port mirroring is used to transfer the packets of one or more monitored ports to
another port, allowing a security department or administrator to monitor Internet
access, traffi c fl ows and packets.
The bandwidth of the monitoring port cannot be lower than that of the
monitored port.
If the monitoring port is the monitored port, the system automatically ignores
this monitored port and does not duplicate the traffi c.
This function supports cross-VLAN monitoring. Monitoring is allowed even if the
monitored port and the monitoring port belong to different VLAN groups.