Bridge RSTP Menu
Bridge RSTP Menu
The Bridge RSTP menu is shown below:
OM1004 Ethernet Bridge Menu
See IEEE Std 802.1D-2004 for variable descriptions
1 Show bridge status
2 Show port status
3 Set default configuration (reboot required)
4 Set bridge priority (BridgePriority)
5 Set bridge hello time (HelloTime)
6 Set bridge max age (MaxAge)
7 Set bridge forward delay (FwdDelay)
8 Set bridge protocol version (rstpVersion)
9 Set bridge transmit hold count (TxHoldCount)
a Set port priority (portPriority)
b Set port path cost (PortPathCost)
c Set port admin edge (AdminEdge)
d Set port auto edge (AutoEdge)
e Set port admin p2p MAC (adminPointToPointMAC)
f Port mode check
Esc Back
This menu shows the status and configuration options for the Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol. It is
recommended that these parameters only be changed by someone with an understanding of IEEE
802.1D-2004. In most cases the default settings are adequate. The RSTP options are shown below.
The hardware /software default settings are shown in brackets to the right of each item.
1 Show bridge status
Shows status which applies to all ports on the OM1004.
2 Show port status
Shows status which applies to individual ports on the OM1004.
3 Set default configuration Restores the saved RSTP configuration to its default settings. Reboot
4 Set bridge priority
[32768] The number must be a multiple of 4096 between 0 and 61440.
A low number makes it more likely to be the RSTP root node
5 Set bridge hello time
[2] The interval in seconds when the root bridge broadcasts a packet with
topology information.
6 Set bridge max age
[20] If another bridge in the RSTP does not send out a hello packet in this
time (in seconds), it is assumed to be dead.
7 Set bridge forward delay [1] The time in seconds for the bridge to be in the Learning state before
the Forwarding state is entered. This delay causes a new bridge on a
network to look at some traffic before participating.
8 Set bridge protocol version [2] 1 = old Spanning Tree Protocol, 2 = new Rapid Spanning Tree
Set bridge transmit hold count [6] The transmit hold count.
a Set port priority
[128] This number must be a multiple of 16 between 0 and 240. A low
number makes it more likely to be a forwarding port (as opposed to a
blocking port).