Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)
Importance of the Root Node
In RSTP, the
root node
is fundamental in determining the final topology of a network - i.e.
which redundant paths become blocked. RSTP first determines the root node, then the
other nodes determine the shortest and fastest path to that root node. Ideally the root node
connects directly to equipment (such as a server) which experiences the highest traffic
volume. The root node location cannot be controlled when all nodes are in the hardware
default settings; however in software configuration mode, the menu item
4 Set bridge
may be set to a low number (such as 0) which forces that node to be the root node.
The other nodes may be left in the hardware default mode.
Configuration Interface
This serial RS232 interface allows the user to configure the RSTP and monitor the
Ethernet statistics; its use is optional. The supplied cable must be connected between the
serial port of a PC and ths interface. A terminal emulation program must be used on the
PC. HyperTerminalTM which comes with the WindowsTM XP operating system is one
To start HyperTerminalTM do the following:
Click on the START icon
Select Programs
Select Accessories
Select Communication
Select HyperTerminal
To configure HyperTerminalTM do the following:
Select File
Select properties
On drop-down called connect to
Select ..................direct to COM1
Select ..................configuration
Bits per Second . .= 38400
Data Bits..............= 8
Parity ...................= None
Stop Bits..............= 1
Flow control.........= Hardware
At this point pressing “enter” on the keyboard will bring up the OM1004 management
OM1004 Main Menu
The main menu is shown below.
OM1004 Main Menu
1 Ethernet menu
2 Bridge RSTP menu
3 Software menu
1' selects the Ethernet menu, etc. Enter displays the current menu. In a sub-menu, Esc goes back
one menu level.