Select the control channel you want to use to control the cue list. Use the cog wheel to set the source
protocol and universe and if required a specific controller IP.
Control channel options:
8 - 15:
, play the next cue in the cue list.
16 - 23:
, pre-set the next cue. This allows you to trigger forward for example twice to skip a cue.
24 - 31:
, pre-set the current cue again. To go to the previous cue, you need to trigger this option twice.
32 - 39:
, reset the cue list to the first cue in the list.
A process engine offers the following outputs or a combination of all available options:
One or several DMX ports can be selected to output the data transferred by the process engine. A greyed-
out port with a diagonal bar means this port has already been used.
All data handled by the process engine can be sent back to the network as a new or the same Art-Net
Here you can set the universe number you wish to use. You can specify the IP address of the destination,
by ticking the Unicast box. By default, the LumiNode will transmit this Art-Net universe to the broadcast
address of the IP range the unit is part of.
For a better identification, you can add a text to your Art-Net destination.
All data handled by the process engine can be sent back to the network as a new or the same sACN
Here you can set the universe number you wish to use, and you can specify the priority for this sACN
For a better identification, you can add a text to your sACN destination.
5 | lumInoDe In DetaIl