Installa� on and opera� ng instruc� ons for storage hea� ng
Feel good with heat from electricity -
A� er removing any waste, dust or other par� cles from the interior of the heater, the panels can be
refi � ed in the reverse order, i.e.
1. inside front panel
2. outside front panel
3. air-outlet grille.
Connec� on of Supply Cables
Only heat resis� ng cable shall be used. The wire in the mains cable will be coloured according to the
following code:
Green and Yellow:
Brown: Live
Blue: Neutral
The electrical wiring requires two supply cables. Ensure the cable is appropriate for the heater ra� ng.
Feed the two supply cables (three if automa� c charge control is used) in from the rear of the heater
through the cable clamp and to the terminal block.
2. Storage Element Supply - Connect the live phase cables to the terminals marked L1, L2 and L3 and
connect the neutral to one of the terminals marked N.
3. Fan Supply - This supply is connected into the terminal strip located below the element terminal
block. Connect the live supply to the terminal marked LE and the neutral supply to the terminal
marked N.
Earth Connec� on - Ensure the earth cables are securely fi xed to the earthen screws located at the
bo� om of both terminal blocks.
5. Ensure all cables are fi rmly connected to the terminal blocks.
Außerdem ist darauf zu achten, dass sich unmi� elbar über dem Gerät keine Wandsteckdose befi ndet.
Achtung bei Geräten mit elektronischer Aufl aderegelung bi� e ergänzende Hinweise laut Seite 20/21
Bei Verwendung der Schutzmaßnahme „Fehlerstrom-Schutzschaltung“ (sowohl bei bereits in Ihrer In-
stalla� on vorhandenem Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter als auch bei Neuinstalla� on Ihrer Anlage) darf in
Verbindung mit diesem Gerät nur ein pulsstromsensi� ver Fehlerstrom-Schutzschalter vorgeschaltet