Feel good with heat from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Installa� on and opera� ng instruc� ons for storage hea� ng
Feel good with heat from electricity - www.technotherm.de
Func� onal descrip� on of the electronic charge controller - EL
Instruc� ons
The EL electronic charging controller is designed for manual charging of the heat accumulators and for
charging depending on the weather and residual heat (see test mode).
The controller can recognise and process the following control signals:
AC: 80 % ED NS
DC: 0.91 - 1.43 V
NS = nega� ve interference behaviour Opera� ng range between 2 % ED and 80 % ED
Connec� ng the core sensor (thermocouple) Connect the plus cable to terminal R+ and the minus
cable to terminal G-. See picture sensor
Connec� ng the setpoint generator (poten� ometer) Connect the marked cable of the setpoint gene-
rator to the
poten� ometer
Connect the DC control voltage [0.91 V - 1.43 V] to the charge controller(*). Cable is included in the
Connec� ng an increased voltage, e.g. 230 V, will irreparably damage the controller.
The AC
control voltage is connected directly to terminals A1/Z1, A2/Z2 of the heat accumulator.