Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
6 - 22 Testing
Issue 8 July 1999
7. If the rectifier meter cannot be calibrated, replace the
rectifier CM3 digital meter board per “Replacing CM3
Digital Meter Board” in Section 8 and repeat this
procedure from Step 1.
8. Disconnect the DMM from the rectifier.
Float Equalize
Test - Optional
(On Line)
If you have previously set the equalize voltage per “Float
Equalize Setup and Test–Optional (Off Line)” in this section,
proceed with the following test. If you have not previously set
the equalize voltage, you must do so before testing the
controller/rectifier equalize circuit.
1. At the controller, raise the external selective high voltage
shutdown (ESHVSD) level by the amount the equalize
voltage exceeds float voltage. (See you plant controller
product manual for instructions.) Example: If equalize
voltage is 2 volts above float voltage, raise the ESHVSD
level by 2 volts. (Normally ESHVSD is .5 volt above float
for 24-volt rectifiers and 1 volt above float for 48-volt
2. Put the plant controller in Equalize mode. (Consult your
controller manual.)
3. Hold the meter selector switch on the rectifier in the
RECT V position, and observe whether the meter reading
agrees with the equalize voltage you established. If not,
use the EQUAL ADJ potentiometer to correct the voltage.
4. Return the controller to Float mode. (Consult your
controller product manual.)
Rectifiers to
Float Voltage
Float voltage is the optimum voltage level at which a battery
string gives maximum life and full capacity. This voltage
depends on the type and number of batteries in a plant.
Float voltage per cell
number of cells = battery string float voltage
Traditionally, 2.17 volts per cell is the float voltage for flooded
lead-acid batteries such as the Round Cell. For a 24-cell
configuration of Round Cells, string voltage is
24 = 52.08 volts