Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 125A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502C-1
Issue 8 July 1999
Testing 6 - 5
2. Use the documentation for the particular battery plant to
perform all the preliminary checks on the plant prior to the
rectifier tests. If the rectifier is in a
microprocessor-controlled plant with an efficiency
algorithm feature, disable this feature. (See the controller
product manual for instructions.)
3. Using the digital multimeter (DMM) on the dc volts scale,
make the following checks:
a. Before the REG fuse is installed in the plant controller,
verify that battery voltage is not present between the
rectifier output charge terminal and dc output return
(see Figure 5-4).
b. Install the regulation (REG) fuse associated with the
rectifier in the plant controller.
c. Check for battery voltage between pins 27 and 2 of
control cable connector J2A. The J2A connector is at
the rectifier end of the plant control cable. Pin 27
should be positive with respect to pin 2.
d. As an extra precaution, check for battery voltage
between ground and pin 2 (negative plant) or pin 27
(positive plant). If no voltage exists, there is a wiring
problem associated with the control cable or controller.
The problem must be found and repaired before
proceeding with testing.
Rectifier DC OUTPUT circuit
Off (down)
(20 turns to stop)
Connector J2A on plant control
Disconnected from
P2A on CM2
Table 6-A: Rectifier Control Settings for Testing Off Line
On J2A, pins 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 are marked on the
connector. Pin 21 is in the row across from pin 1. Pin 40 is
across from pin 20.