LUBING Floor Watering System
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1. Introduction
1.1 Brief description of LUBING watering systems for floor watering
LUBING nipple watering systems for turkeys* supply the animals with drinking water.
This requires the availability of sufficient quantities of fresh and clean drinking water
which must be free of contamination and easily accessible.
LUBING nipple watering systems comprise the following components:
Pressure Regulator unit
Nipple pipe with nipples and cups
Drinking accessories with:
Main Water Supply
1.2 Designated use
LUBING nipple watering systems are exclusively intended for standard applications
in supplying Turkeys* with drinking water.
The maximum slope from the Pressure Regulator to the Breather Unit may not
exceed 1.5% (1.5 metres difference in height along a house length of 100 metres).
Systems with oval cups are designed for breeding to approx. the 6th week and
for fattening hens until ready for sale. Systems with round cups are designed
for fattening male birds from approx. the 6th week until ready for sale.
Any other use shall not be regarded as proper. The manufacturer will not be liable for
any ensuing damage; this risk shall be borne by the user alone.
Designated use also includes:
observing all of the information in the Operating Instructions and
carrying out all service and maintenance work as required.
LUBING nipple watering systems may only be operated, maintained and serviced by
personnel familiar with these measures and the potential dangers associated with the
*: Depending on the design or system – to approx. the 6th week for turkey breeding, from the
6th week until ready for sale in the case of fattening male and female birds.