LUBING Floor Watering System
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4.3.3 Cleaning of the dosing system
Dosing unit (if available):
A solution with EVC 12 is to recommended for cleaning (200 g per 10 litre 35°C warm
water), that can be used depending on the degree of pollution.
The prepared solution gets added for a few minutes just like the dosing medium via
Medicator. Let the cleaning solution work over night. Afterwards it must be well
4.3.4 Cleaning of the water filter
A solulution with EVC 12 is recommended for cleaning (200 g per 10 litres 35°C
warm water), that can be used depending on the degree of pollution.
The filter cartridge gets accessible by turning off the filter cover. The cartridge has to
be taken out and flushed. The filter cartridge has to be dived from time to time. A
contaminated filter cartridge causes a higher decrease of pressure.