LUBING Floor Watering System
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For round about 200 metres of the turkey drinker you require
approx. 140 litre of the solution.
Therefore you need at first
7 litres water, 35°C (according to 5% of the total solution) to stir with
2.8 kg EVC 12 (according to the required quantity to the total water quantity)
The parent solution only has a concentration of approx. 40%! By adding this
via Medicator with 5% to the water quantity, a solution of 2% accures.
The Temperature in the hutch should be at least 25°C!
For every single drinking line you should operate as follows:
Switch on the Medicator at 5%. Let the cleaning solution operate over night if
Increase the pressure in the drinking line until the nipples drip and let the pump of the
Medicator work for two or three hours. Should the nipples not drip, let the pump work
for approx. three hours and activate the Pendulum.
Afterwards the whole system must be flushed through sufficiently. In the event that
the nipples do not drip after a high pressure cleaning, they should be activated at
least one time to make sure a rinse of the solution in the area of the nipples.
4.3.2 Cleaning the nipple drinking system of algaes and accumulations of
A regular hygienic maintenance of the whole drinking system prevents infections and
detractions of the nipples.
for the application at the following
manufacturer information.
Available in 1 litre bottles.
The product
MeproAquades is based on a combination of quarternary ammonium compounds.
Improves sprouted drinking systems
Prevents algae formation and ablosishes blockage in the drinking lines
Prevents microble disease of the intestinal
For the increasing of the production activity in the fattening livestock husbandry the
hygienic measures are of high importance. With directed desinfection and cleaning
arrangements dangerous diseases at the animals can be prevented.
MeproAquades improves prouted drinking systems in poultry, pig and cattle houses
as well as cages for small animals.
MeproAquades eliminates and prevents algae formation and prevents blockages in
the drinking system.