2.4GHZ F.H.S.S.
Photos und Videos ansehen/bearbeiten
Um die gemachten Photos und Videos z.B. an einem PC anzusehen, müssen Sie
die Micro-SD-Karte aus der Kamera entfernen.
Bitte beachten Sie:
Sowohl beim Entfernen, als auch beim Einsetzen der Karte sollte die Gravit vom
Akku getrennt sein. Setzen Sie nun die entnommene Speicherkarte in den mitge-
lieferten USB-Kartenleser und stecken sie diesen an einen freien USB-Anschluss
Ihres PCs. Nun können Sie den Inhalt der Speicherkarte anschauen, genau so
wie Sie es mit einem USB-Stick machen würden. Im Verzeichnis „PHOTO“ sind
die Bilder, im Verzeichnis „VIDEO“ die Filme. Kopieren Sie Ihre gemachten Bilder
und Filme regelmäßig von der Speicherkarte herunter, um freien Platz für weitere
Aufnahmen zu haben. Sowohl die Bilder, als auch die Videos haben ein Standard-
Format, welches Sie mit gebräuchlicher Software abspielen und bearbeiten
- Nach dem Landen schalten Sie den Quadrocopter bitte zuerst aus, danach die
- Überprüfen vor dem erneuten Fliegen Sie Ihre Gravit und laden Sie Ihren Flugak-
ku wieder auf.
Viel Spaß beim Fliegen!
Quick Start
- Before taking off, please check your model for defective or loose parts. You
should never fly with a defective aircraft, as this may result in damage to
persons or property. Please look out for an area as open and wide as possible
for your first flight and never fly in small, cramped rooms.
- Next, please insert 4 AA (rechargeable) batteries into the transmitter
- Please charge your flight battery now by following the steps below:
Do NOT use the USB-charger on a USB-Port of your PC, Laptop, Tablet (or similar
device), as this might damage the USB-port and your PC/Laptop.
LRP does NOT take any responsibility for damage resulting directly or indirectly
from the wrong usage of the USB-charger.
- As soon as the USB-charger is operational, a red LED is slowly blinking
- Next, connect your flight battery to the USB-charger like shown in the picture.
When the battery is connected, the LED of the charger will turn solid red,
indicating that the battery is being charged
- As soon as the battery is fully charged, the red LED goes out. You can discon-
nect the flight battery now.
- Now insert the flight battery into the battery compartment and connect it to the
Gravit (see picture). Make sure the Gravit is turned OFF when doing so, then
close the battery compartment again.
- First, turn on the transmitter of your Gravit. Make sure the throttle stick of your
transmitter is at the bottom position. The LEDs on the transmitter will turn on
- Put the Gravit on an even surface (preferably on even ground) and turn it on.
- The two blue front LEDs and the green status LED at the back of the Gravit will
start to blink quickly at first, then blink slowly after a few seconds, indicating
that the TX and the Gravit are bound.
- Move the throttle stick (left stick on MODE 2 TX, right stick on MODE 1 TX)
completely upwards and then downwards again. The lights of the Gravit should
now stop blinking and go solid.
- Your Gravit is now ready to take off!
- To have your Gravit take off, please move the throttle stick slowly upwards until
the Gravit starts to rise. Reduce the speed again until it hovers in the air. You
are now ready to fly around with your Gravit.
To fly around with your Gravit, use
the following stick commands:
- To gain and loose in height, move
the throttle stick up and down
- To rotate left and right around the
own axis (YAW), move the left
control stick to the left and right
- To fly sideways to the left or right,
move the right control stick to the
left and right (ROLL)
- To fly forwards and backwards,
move the right control stick up
and down (PITCH)
PLEASE NOTE: The further you de-
flect a stick from its neutral middle
position to any direction, the faster
the movement will be. Keep this in
mind when flying your Gravit!
Operating the camera
- If you want to take a picture with
your Gravit‘s camera, press the
Photo-button on your TX once.
- If you want to start or stop a video
recording, press the Video-button on your TX once. When you start to record
a movie, you will notice that the video-icon is showing up on the LCD (see
picture: p.13).
As long as the video icon is being displayed, the camera is recording a movie.
When you want to stop the recording, press the video-button again. You will see
that the camera-icon is disappearing from the LCD as well, indicating that NO
video is being recorded at the moment.
PLEASE NOTE: Since the Video- and Photo- buttons BOTH have a second func-
tion assignment, make sure to operate them correctly:
Photo-button: Press it once and shortly (just tap it) -> The camera will take
a photo. Press and HOLD the button for at least 2 seconds -> The „“Return-
function““ will be enabled
Video-button: Press it once and
shortly (just tap it) -> The camera
will start/stop recording a movie.
Press and HOLD the button for at
least 2 seconds -> The „“Head-
less““ mode will be enabled.
So make sure if you want to use the
buttons for video/photo functions to
NOT press AND HOLD them, but to
just press them and release them
at once.
As soon as your flight battery is
nearly discharged, the status LED
on the backside of your Gravit will
start to blink RED slowly. The two
LEDs on the front and the LEDs
on the bottom side of the 4 arms
will also start to blink. Now it is
time to bring back your Gravit and
land it quickly as possible. Do NOT
continue to fly at great height when the low-voltage-warning is showing up, as