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LPS-Lasersysteme Siegmund Ruff / CEO Haidschwaerze 18 72131 Ofterdingen Germany
Phone: +49 7473 271177 www.lps-laser.de [email protected]
For the class 4 lasers (more than 0.5 W) which we mostly use, following points are to be considered
and avoided:
Danger to the eye
A human‘s most sensitive organ is the eye. A laser beam is coherent light with very high energy.
A laser beam keeps its intensity even on a large distance. If a laser beam hits a human eye, it
could lead to irreparable damages, the retina could be destroyed.
Therefore the following has to be considered:
Never look into a laser beam directly
, and do not place any objects in the beam, because even
diffusely reflected beams will cause eye damage.
Never point the laser beam at a person’s eyes
Danger of skin damages
If a laser beam hits the human skin, it will cause painful burns due to its high energy density. The
beam also burns holes into textiles
. Therefore never put your hands in the laser beam and do
not intercept the beam with any other part of your body.
Danger due to perilous High Voltage
Laser systems use fatally high voltages.
When operating your laser system, always observe the
warning notes on the laser and the instructions concerning laser safety in the manual of your
laser. Make sure that no unauthorized persons have access to your laser system.
Danger of fire damages
If a laser beam hits easily inflammable material, for instance paper, this will ignite and may
suddenly cause a fire. Therefore you should always make sure that there is no inflammable
material in the path of the beam before turning the laser on. Moreover, check regularly your air
cooling system on the laser. Ecpecially the filters and fans should be checked in their functions,
so that defects due to over temperatures could be exclude.
The use of a laser can only be regarded as harmless if the main beam is sufficiently weakened,
expanded, divided or moved very fast.
In this case it will meet the eye only briefly and the values for the maximum permissible irradiation
are not exceeded (this depends on the wavelength, irradiation time and the repetition frequency
on pulse rates).