P a g e 31 | 36
LPS-Lasersysteme Siegmund Ruff / CEO Haidschwaerze 18 72131 Ofterdingen Germany
Phone: +49 7473 271177 www.lps-laser.de [email protected]
Show lists in .prg file
Open the show list to edit (.prg) with the text editor on your computer. Each line corresponds to an
animation within the list.
Every show line is like followed:
File name, scanning speed, number of repetitions
The individual elements are to separate with “,”.
The file File1.ild should be played with a scanning speed of 20kpps and be reviewed 3 times.
The file File2.ild should be played with a scanning speed of 12kpps and be repeated once.
The file File3.ild should be played with a scanning speed of 25kpps and will be repeated 10 times.
List code:
Sound control
Your SimPlex 850RGB laser system can be put on cound control in the modes "built-in show", "ILD
Show" and "PRG ILD-list". Then, all animations run only in relation to the sound level, which is
recorded on the back of the system. For the sensitivity of the microphone, please go through the
multifunction encoder in the "main menu" and set the sensitivity at the choice point "SENSITIVITY".
After each pause which is longer than 2 seconds, the animation stops running and the output is
switching off.
Activation of the sound control
Operate the laser system in one of the above mentioned operating modes.
Hold the encoder menu for 2 seconds.
Select the point MODE in the main menu.
Now select the point "Sound-Active".