L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
In case that the configuration server contacts the device (L-IP) only the MD 5 secret in
menu item 8 must be entered if authenticated communication is required. In networks that
communicate over the Internet one may also experiment with the escrow timeout in menu
item 5.
If the L-IP serves as configuration server and as device some entries in the CEA-852 device
configuration menu are set through the configuration server and cannot be set manually.
1 - Config server address, 2 - Config server port
Please enter the IP address and port of the configuration server, if the L-IP needs to contact
the configuration server. Enter “0” for the configuration server port if you want to return to
the default port setting.
3 - Config client port
If not more than one L-IP is used behind a NAT router, this field should be left at the
default setting. If changed, it must not be the same as the config server port.
4 - Device name
You can enter a device name with up to 15 characters. It is recommended to use unique
device names.
Channel Mode
This field reflects the current channel mode of the device. It is configured by the
configuration server. If there are any two devices in the channel which use the same IP
address but different ports (e.g. multiple L-IPs behind one NAT router) the channel
switches to “Extended NAT mode”. Please refer to Section 7.3.2 to learn more about the
implications of this mode. Otherwise the mode is “Standard”.
SNTP server, channel timeout
The configuration server sets the SNTP server addresses and the channel timeout.
5 - Escrow timeout
Defines how long the L-IP waits for out-of-sequence CEA-852 packets before they are
discarded. Please enter the time in ms or 0 to disable escrowing. The maximum time is 255
6 - Aggregation Timeout
Defines the time interval in which multiple CEA-709 packets are combined into a single
CEA-852 data packet. Please enter the time in ms or 0 to disable aggregation. The
maximum time is 255 ms. Note that disabling aggregation will negatively affect the
performance of the L-IP device.
7 - MD5 authentication
This menu item enables or disables MD5 authentication.
MD5 authentication cannot be used together with the i.LON 1000 since the i.LON 1000 is
not fully compliant with the CEA-852 authentication method. MD5 can be used with the
i.LON 600.