L-IP User Manual
Version 6.1
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
Power Supply
Power Supply
Figure 23: Connecting the Earth Ground to the L-IP series “B”.
4.7.2 L-IP Redundant
Every network segment connected to the L-IP needs to be terminated according to the rules
found in the specification of the transceiver (see Chapter 11).
All used and unused ports must be properly terminated. LOYTEC recommends the use of
the LOYTEC L-Term series network terminators (LT-13 or LT-33 respectively). For
unused ports, it is recommended to use a 100 Ohm 0.25 W resistor between terminals A
and B as termination.
Bus loop monitoring enabled
Bus loop monitoring disabled
Figure 24: L-IP Redundant with and without Bus loop Monitoring
When using shielded network cables, only one side of the cable should be connected to
earth ground. Thus, the shield must be connected to earth ground either at the L-IP
terminal (loop port 1) or somewhere else in the network, but never at more than one
place (see Figure 24)!
If operated with bus loop monitoring enabled (loop port 1 and loop port 2 connected),
both sides of the loop must be terminated at the L-IP terminals (see Figure 24). In this
case two terminators for bus topology must be used.