Operating Instructions
Original Document
Copyright © 2017 Loma Systems
value used to determine when a new pack enters the X-Ray beam. This should usually
be set to 220 which is sufficient for most products
To set the Pack Threshold
Tap in the Pack Threshold field.
A numeric keypad is displayed.
Enter the new value for the Pack Threshold.
You may set a number between 80 and 254.
Tap OK.
The Pack Threshold is updated.
OK - Tap OK to save any changes and close the screen.
The Learn Product Settings screen is displayed as the learn process continues through to
Product Settings
Before a product can be inspected, a number of basic details and parameters for the
product must be entered into the Product Settings screen. These are then used by the system
software to control how the product is inspected.
Great care should therefore be taken to ensure that the correct details are entered and
selections made as they will directly affect how the system will inspect the product.
The Product Settings screen contains the
In addition, the following buttons are displayed.
Cancel - Tapping this closes the Product Settings screen without saving any changes.
Apply - Tapping this saves and applies any changes made in the Product Settings screen
and then closes it.
General Product Settings
The General tab of the Product Settings screen displays basic details for the currently running
product which may then be edited if required. A
through this tab.
The General tab provides the following items:
Identification - This area displays the following basic information for the currently
running product:
Name - Displays the product name.