Logicube SuperSonix User’s Manual
6. Advanced IT users may choose to slow
down the clone process by tapping the
Speed icon displayed in Figure 21.
Figure 21.
The SAS Adapter will not clone below
speed UDMA-0. Do not use PIO speeds.
The hash calculation of a cloned drive is
calculated based on the sector range that was
previously stored as a file called checksum.txt
therefore it is not necessary to specify a sector
range when verifying a Target drive.
If the MD5 hash value matches the previously stored
value for the Master drive the SuperSonix will
display a large check mark indicating a pass
condition along with both MD5 hash values.
MD5 Verification Results for (Model: WDC D3201ABYS-
01B9A0, Serial WD-WCARW3590618):
calculated MD5:
1368 06C7 231D DF0F A2B6 8B45 AA68 D983
expected MD5:
1368 06C7 231D DF0F A2B6 8B45 AA68 D983
number of sectors calculated: 100
Optional USB cloning
In order to use the USB port located on the
Logicube SAS Adapter, the USB cloning option
must have been purchased and the feature enabled
on the cloning device to which the adapter is
connected. To verify the USB cloning feature has
been enabled, turn on the Logicube SuperSonix
and tap the About icon on the main menu. If
Adapter USB Option
is visible under Options
installed; you can tap the BACK icon and continue
to the next step. If
SAS Adapter USB Option
is not
in the list the feature has not been enabled. To
verify if the option has been purchased contact
Logicube Technical Support and provide the S/N of
the cloning device listed at the top of the About
screen. Once you have obtained an activation code