LocoCruiser standard series decoder user manual Ver1.0
Here are some frequently asked questions and the answers that may help you use the
product properly.
9.1 The Decoder is installed. After electrified, the lights do not work and the
locomotive does not move after changing speed.
Check if the wires are fitted properly.
Check if any short circuits between the DCC control and the track.
9.2 During the locomotive moving, the moving is not continuous.
Check if the track is clean.
Check if the wires are fitted properly and good connections.
9.3 The locomotive runs normally, but the lights do not work
If the lights do not work, check if the wires are fitted properly. Repeatedly press the light
button then see if something has changed.
Read the CV value that activates the lights and check if the lights are turned off. Refer
to Chapter 5.3.1 for more detail.
If the problem remains, please ask our dealer for a new unit.
9.4 Headlights work, but the locomotive does not move
Read the value of CV1 and check if the engine address is different from the Decoder.
Rewrite the engine address.
9.5 When I use the consist address to control the loco, I have changed the
value of CV17 & CV18. But I still can’t control the loco?
Please check the CV29, bit 5 value. If the value of bit 5 is not 1, please change to 1.
9.6 I have followed the manual to do, but still have problems not included
in the manual. What can I do?
If you still can’t solve the problems, please contact us via E-mail or telephone, we will
reply to you as soon as possible.
Appendix II
Repair information
ANE Model provides you with the warranty and service for LocoCruiser standard series decoder
as the following:
The LocoCruiser standard series decoder is replaced free of charge within 90 days and
repaired free of charge within one year after purchasing.
After the free-of-charge repair period (one year), the LocoCruiser standard series Decoder
provides a lifelong repair service with charge.