LocoCruiser standard series decoder user manual Ver1.0
5.2.3 Speed model Exchange
Setting bit 4 of CV29 enables to switch the two modes. The speed curve mode is activated if
the value is 0; If the value is 1; the speed table mode is activated (default setting)
5.2.4 Acceleration & Deceleration
The final acceleration of the locomotive is determined by the value of CV3; on the other
hand, the deceleration is determined by the value of CV4.
The higher the acceleration
value, the higher the final
acceleration/deceleration. That is to say, the acceleration/deceleration speed of the
locomotive is lower. The lower the value is, the lower the final acceleration/deceleration is.
That is to say, the
acceleration/deceleration speed of the locomotive is higher.
5.3 DC control
5.3.1 DC control method
Using a conventional DC controller to operate is possible without any problem. You can
run a locomotive that already has the ANE MODEL LocoCruiser Standard series decoder
installed, on 16VDC track. DC environment does not support Back-EMF function and
lighting effect.
5.4 Engine address setting
5.4.1 Engine address
The engine address indicates the assigned numbers of the moving locomotives on the track.
Setting the engine address will enable you to control the locomotives by the DCC controller.
The following describes show the definitions of DCC protocol’s engine address.
Engine address
Extended engine address
CV19: Consist address
The priority of the 3 engine addresses which are defined in the DCC protocol is: Consist
address>Extended engine address >Engine address
5.4.2 Locomotive engine address setting
The first priority is the Consist address of CV19. The locomotives are under the control of
the Consist address unless the value is 0 or 128. As for the “Extended engine address”
(CV17&CV18) and the “Engine address” (CV1), if the value of the Extended engine address
is not 0 and the value of bit5 of CV29 is 1, the locomotives will be under the control of the
Extended engine address. If the value of the Extended engine address is 0 or the value of
CV29 bit5 is 0, the locomotives are under the control of the Engine address.
Chapter 6 of this manual will show you the CV values. You can find the CV values which
related to the engine address. The range of CV19 value that responds to the Consist
address is from 1 to 127 and from 129 to 255. If the value of CV19 is larger or equal to 1
and is smaller and equal to 127, the locomotive will agree with forward direction. At this
time, the locomotive is under the control of the address 1-127. If the value of CV19 is
larger or equal to 129 and is smaller and equal to 255, the locomotive will accept the
opposite direction. At this time, the locomotive is under control of the address (CV19
The range of the Extended engine address (CV17&CV18) value is 128-9999. The value is
according to the value of the lowest 6 bits of the CV17 combines with the 8 bits of CV18.