pH Electrode and Cable
The most frequently replaced part is the pH electrode (not supplied with controller), which will deteriorate with age.
Refillable electrodes should be checked for level frequently, and replenished with filling solution as necessary. An electrode
may also fail because of:
• aging (slow response to changing pH)
• coatings over the glass bulb (slow response to changing pH)
• abrasion of the glass bulb (shift in calibration)
• chemical attack
• breakage
If you experience instability or lack of response, check the electrode, replace if necessary and recalibrate. Follow
manufacturer's recommendation for cleaning the electrode.
Take care not to damage input cables, or allow the connections to get wet.
Troubleshooting and repair of the malfunctioning unit should only be attempted by qualified personnel using caution to
ensure safety and limit unnecessary damage.
Should an error or alarm condition occur, the controller will alert the operator by flashing an ‘ERROR MESSAGE’. These
messages are depicted on the following page with a brief explanation.
(866) 433-6682 • (281) 359-8538 • [email protected] • www.novatech-usa.com