Configuring the Switch
24-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Ggabt Swtch wth WebVew and Power over Ethernet
The Port Information displays the current status of the
ports in the Spanning Tree .
Displays the port number .
Shows if Spanning Tree has been enabled on this
interface . To enable STP on a port click the state checkbox
for that port then click Save Settings to save the changes .
Displays current state of this port within the
Spanning Tree:
Port receives STA configuration messages,
but does not forward packets .
Port has transmitted configuration messages
for an interval set by the Forward Delay parameter
without receiving contradictory information . Port
address table is cleared, and the port begins learning
addresses .
Port forwards packets, and continues
learning addresses .
Roles are assigned according to whether the port
is part of the active topology connecting the bridge to
the root bridge (i .e ., root port), connecting a LAN through
the bridge to the root bridge (i .e ., designated port), or is
the MSTI regional root (i .e ., master port); or is an alternate
or backup port that may provide connectivity if other
bridges, bridge ports, or LANs fail or are removed . The role
is set to disabled (i .e ., disabled port) if a port has no role
within the spanning tree .
Forward Transtons
The number of times this port has
transitioned from the Learning state to the Forwarding
state .
Operatonal Edge Port
This parameter is initialized
to the setting for Administrative Edge Port in STP Port
Setting detail, but will be set to false if a BPDU is received
indicating that another bridge is attached to this port .
Click on
to configure STP Port Settings for an
interface .
to configure Path Cost, Priority, Administrative
Edge Port (Fast Forwarding), and Administrative Link Type .
Use the text fields provided to edit the values, then click
Spanning Tree > STP Port Settings > STP Port Setting Detail
Desgnated Cost
The cost for a packet to travel from this
port to the root in the current Spanning Tree configuration .
The slower the media, the higher the cost .
Desgnated Port
The port priority and number of the
port on the designated bridging device through which the
Switch must communicate with the root of the Spanning
Tree .
Desgnated Brdge
The bridge priority and MAC address
of the device through which this port must communicate
to reach the root of the Spanning Tree .
Path Cost
This parameter is used by the STP to determine
the best path between devices . Therefore, lower values
should be assigned to ports attached to faster media, and
higher values assigned to ports with slower media . (Path
cost takes precedence over port priority .)
When the Path Cost Method is set to
“short,” the maximum path cost is 65,535 .
Range –
Ethernet: 200,000-20,000,000
Fast Ethernet: 20,000-2,000,000
Gigabit Ethernet: 2,000-200,000
Default –
Ethernet – Half duplex: 2,000,000; full duplex: 1,000,000;
LAG: 500,000
Fast Ethernet – Half duplex: 200,000; full duplex: 100,000;
LAG: 50,000
Gigabit Ethernet – Full duplex: 10,000; LAG: 5,000